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Monday, 25 April 2016

unilag student stabbed to death lagos housewife
Picture Of Housewife Who Stabbed Neighbor, UNILAG Undergraduate To Death While Settling Couple’s Fight In Ajah Lagos
UNILAG Undergraduate Stabbed To Death By Housewife While Settling Fight In Ajah Lagos 
Meet the angry madam who allegedly stabbed her neighbour to death while he was trying to settle a domestic dispute between her and her husband.
The suspect, 30-year-old Ndifreke Femi stabbed 28-year-old Ayomide Ayenuwa, a graduate of the University of Lagos to death last week at their home in Ajah area of Lagos.
The peacemaker had gone into the couple’s home to pay his electricity bill when he met them fighting but while he was trying to make peace with them, Ndifreke warned him to leave them alone but he didn’t listen to her.
When the domestic dispute became violent, the deceased decided to walk away only to be stabbed on the neck with a kitchen knife by Ndifreke.
The deceased was rushed to the hospital but died on the way.
The family members of the deceased reported the case at Ajah Police Station and Ndifreke was picked up immediately.
unilag graduate stabbed to death ajah lagos
Her husband has varnished into thin air since the attack that took Ayenuwa’s life.

Image result for couple tie to bedNed and Ariel of "cute married couple who broke up for a week for the sake of a BuzzFeed video" fame are back — this time, to handcuff themselves together for the same purpose. The point is to debunk the old "ball and chain" marriage stereotype, and the rules are that they must stay cuffed together for a full day without exceptions. If exceptions must be made, they have to be documented and explained.
The exceptions turned out to be changing, pooping, and exploding due to lack of personal space. "I have to poop and you're not invited," Ned yelled frantically as he unchained himself from Ariel the first time. By the end of the video, he literally has to walk away from his wife because chopping vegetables in handcuffs is too much for him to handle.
Of course, the end result is that they love each other very much and couldn't imagine their lives apart, but as with all relationships ever and always, they need their personal space. Watch the video above, if nothing else other than for the aforementioned pooping incident. Worth it.

The final episode of this season of I Am Cait was, predictably, another round of, "Caitlyn Jenner, how and why the fuck are you still a Republican?" albeit with more nuance and compassion than I would have thought possible earlier this season. Caitlyn's learning. She's even willing to admit when she's wrong sometimes, and she did finally — finally! — admit out loud, "The more conservative side has been less open to our community." Less open is a tamer descriptor than I'd use, but it's an improvement over earlier this season, when Caitlyn swore that no conservative politician cares what LGBT people do because they're too busy trying to fix the economy or whatever. 

The other women are really happy with her progress, something they reiterate throughout the episode, but I do not know how Caitlyn can decide to embrace more advocacy work and not denounce the Republican party. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting. And choosing to be a "leftist activist" when it comes to being a voice for LGBT issues but not demonstrating any activism at all around feminism is deeply problematic too. Caitlyn's not just a transgender person, she's a woman, and that's another facet of her identity that Republicans seek to limit (if not to destroy). All of these are concerns I voiced in my first recap of the season. But the good news is that I see Caitlyn taking baby steps. I appreciate that. I just hope she doesn't grind to a halt anytime soon.

At the very least, the baby steps are concrete and important. It's Caitlyn's idea to try out a few civil disobedience techniques while they're in Houston to protest the city's bathroom laws. I'm aware outside production forces could've been at play with either of those choices, but the buck stops with Caitlyn, so at the very least, she didn't actively refuse to do any of these things. That alone is progress. And Caitlyn's willingness to go around Houston, leaving signs in bathrooms that trans women had been there and nothing bad had happened, is progress, too. It's legitimately inspirational to see the women driving around the city, posting signs and pounding water in order to keep peeing. Chandi, who I maybe grew to love most of all this season, puts it best when she describes bathrooms by saying,  "No one is here to meet or greet. It's just potty."

Somewhere in the middle of the episode, Courtney and Ella basically dare Candis and Caitlyn to kiss. In the build up, the show runs a sepia toned recap of all of Candis and Caitlyn's moments together play, and I can't tell if the show is making fun of itself or not, so I'll choose to focus on the fact that both Caitlyn and Candis seem to be very adept kissers. Do you, ladies!.

And there's a nice, long story focused on Ella (who I hope continues to have a platform). Her father meets Caitlyn and Candis and immediately begins going on and on about how much he accepts his daughter, how solid of an advocate he is, and how he's always played the role of, essentially, the hero dad. Ella's body language clearly reads "NOPE NOPE NOPE" all throughout his explanation, and there's something a little smarmy about how self-congratulatory he seems. The fact that it's immediately obvious and off-putting that someone's acting a certain way just for the cameras speaks to how authentic parts of I Am Cait have been. 

Candis encourages Ella to have a second conversation with him, and so Ella meets him at a restaurant, and, like, okay, everyone's on a path and deserves compassion and the world is hard and we do what we have to in order to survive, but oh my God, ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS DUDE? Seriously, when your child is saying she was so in pain in her adolescence that she considered emancipation, the correct response is not laughter, followed by, "I gotta be straight up, it would be YOUR loss." Eventually, he scrapes together an apology and gets emotional and that's enough for Ella, but the whole thing feels a little gross.

The very best moment of the episode came toward the end of the women's time in Houston, when they go to a conservative church helmed by one of the pastors who was a key force in repealing the HERO Act. The camera crew wasn't allowed in, but the women were well-received, the benefit of rolling with an actual celebrity. Caitlyn wound up speaking with the pastor for a few moments, and in those moments, said to him, "I need you to know that your comments on that video are highly offensive to me and to all trans people." Kate Bornstein points out that it's possible no one's ever said this to the minister's face before. Really simple. Really important. I hope Caitlyn feels more and more empowered to make bold statements like that on a larger scale.

In classical and beautiful reality-TV fashion, it all wraps up with a group dinner, with everyone getting teary and talking about their feelings as their time together winds down. Everyone has something lovely to say, but it's most affecting to see Caitlyn so openly emotional. I rewatched an old episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians a few days ago, and watching Caitlyn living as Bruce is heart-breaking: the stiff posture, the fists crammed into pockets, the never saying the right thing at the right time, the always feeling in the way. Bruce was lonely and locked up and now, just over a year later, Caitlyn can sit in a group of women, talk about how she's feeling, love and accept, and be loved and accepted in return. 

That alone is sort of a miracle.  


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