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Monday, 25 April 2016

unilag student stabbed to death lagos housewife
Picture Of Housewife Who Stabbed Neighbor, UNILAG Undergraduate To Death While Settling Couple’s Fight In Ajah Lagos
UNILAG Undergraduate Stabbed To Death By Housewife While Settling Fight In Ajah Lagos 
Meet the angry madam who allegedly stabbed her neighbour to death while he was trying to settle a domestic dispute between her and her husband.
The suspect, 30-year-old Ndifreke Femi stabbed 28-year-old Ayomide Ayenuwa, a graduate of the University of Lagos to death last week at their home in Ajah area of Lagos.
The peacemaker had gone into the couple’s home to pay his electricity bill when he met them fighting but while he was trying to make peace with them, Ndifreke warned him to leave them alone but he didn’t listen to her.
When the domestic dispute became violent, the deceased decided to walk away only to be stabbed on the neck with a kitchen knife by Ndifreke.
The deceased was rushed to the hospital but died on the way.
The family members of the deceased reported the case at Ajah Police Station and Ndifreke was picked up immediately.
unilag graduate stabbed to death ajah lagos
Her husband has varnished into thin air since the attack that took Ayenuwa’s life.


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