Image result for couple tie to bedNed and Ariel of "cute married couple who broke up for a week for the sake of a BuzzFeed video" fame are back — this time, to handcuff themselves together for the same purpose. The point is to debunk the old "ball and chain" marriage stereotype, and the rules are that they must stay cuffed together for a full day without exceptions. If exceptions must be made, they have to be documented and explained.
The exceptions turned out to be changing, pooping, and exploding due to lack of personal space. "I have to poop and you're not invited," Ned yelled frantically as he unchained himself from Ariel the first time. By the end of the video, he literally has to walk away from his wife because chopping vegetables in handcuffs is too much for him to handle.
Of course, the end result is that they love each other very much and couldn't imagine their lives apart, but as with all relationships ever and always, they need their personal space. Watch the video above, if nothing else other than for the aforementioned pooping incident. Worth it.